Frequently Asked Questions by Renters


If you are looking for houses for rent in the USA, you might be wondering “what is the best website to find houses for rent?”. We know that it seems like there's an endless number of houses for rent! At the same time the market is pretty competitive and the best rentals get taken quickly. We have below included an overview of factors to look at when looking for the best rental sites in 2021. We will help you search for homes for rent near you in the USA based on various criteria. For instance, you might be interested in looking for a home with two bedrooms or a pool or particular amenities like a washer/dryer or a balcony.

Make sure that the website offers a great user interface and filters for all sorts of things a renter might be looking for, from keyword searches to integrated map listings. These features may improve your rental homes search experience.

Check the number of listings that are available per city and per unit type. If a rental website has more listings available, you have a greater chance of finding the house of your dreams.

ApartmentLove is a great rental website to start your search for your next apartment for rent. We offer listings for all kind of unit types (apartments, condos, houses, studios, …) in cities all across the United States.

When it comes to apartments for rent your best bet is to use an apartment search engine. We have done some research to help you find some of the best and most trending and trustworthy search engines for this.

Abodo: Provides a visually streamlined way to search for rentals based on basic requirements like rent, number of bedrooms, and a few specific factors that may be non-negotiable (i.e. air-conditioning, pet-friendly).

Apartment Guide: This website is heavy on the photos and floor plans, which can be very helpful in making the best choice for you! One of the more comprehensive search engines for rentals. They have a detailed map view, thumbnail view, and also support 3D tours.

Of course, there are also the classics, like hotpads, padmapper, craigslist and

Whatever your choose for an apartment rental search engine, we wish you a happy hunt to find you new beautiful home!

There are many great apartment search engines, and the best place to search for rentals depends in part on what you are looking for!

For example Apartment Guide is heavy on photos and floor plans. While has a very comprehensive map and thumbnail view. Sites like Craigslist, padmapper and hotpads tend to offer more small-scale landlord listing, in addition to larger corporate listings.

So, the trick is not to focus just on one search engine, but to look at a few of the large platforms regularly and keep your eyes open for the best suited rental for your needs! Happy home hunting!

When you are deciding on renting a condo or an apartment it may seem like both options are the same, at least at first glance. There are some major differences between a condo and an apartment and it is helpful that you know the differences to make the best decision you can.

For instance, ownership varies for both condo and apartment options. While a Homeowners' Association typically manages a condo building, each condo unit has its own separate owner. Tenants are allowed to purchase condos like they would with houses. On the contrary, apartments cannot be individually purchased. Rather, an apartment building has one owner who leases out each unit to individual tenants. It is common that an apartment building is owned by a large corporation that specializes in owning and renting individual residential units.

The way rent works differs as well. For apartments, rent is generally a fixed amount that is set by the market (meaning the amount of money the landlord will ask for rent when negotiating a new lease will likely increase and decrease based on supply and demand) and is applied to all the units in the building. Keep in mind that utility bills and renter's insurance are often not included in the monthly rent amount and need to be budgeted. For condo renting, most agreements involve fixed amounts as well. The individual property owner is free to decide what they want to charge tenants to rent their condo and the amounts that one condo owner and another condo owner in the same building are likely to differ. For this reason, renters have some room to negotiate when renting a condo as compared to when renting an apartment.

Finally, the responsibility of maintenance changes when you rent an apartment or a condo. One perk of apartments is that you (in most cases) do not have to pay for maintenance. Rather, when some work needs to be done to your apartment the management company responsible for the entire apartment building arranges for the repairs to be made on your behalf. In contrast, either you or the property owner must deal with maintenance related issued personally when renting a condo.

Choosing either an apartment or condo is entirely your decision and both have their benefits. Best advice is to rent a home that you feel safe and comfortable in and on that you can afford. With plenty of rentals to choose from, you are sure to find a rental that works for you and your needs and wants.

Over the last decade, we have seen an increase in new apartment types. These new types of apartments are a response to the market demand for varied homes for digital Nomads, minimalists who have few possessions. Besidest that, compulsive travelers or professionals who travel often for work and need a small home base are also the perfect demographic for these new apartment types.

The most common of these new and minimalist apartment types is the efficiency apartment. We took some time to look into efficiency rentals in Chicago and have found that, in general, these apartments are slightly smaller than studios for rent, have a more streamlined layout, and have less storage space.

They are ideal for Adventures Nomads and minimalists. While there are many cheap studio apartments for rent, these efficiency apartments are even more competitively priced and often a good fit for students. Happy hunting and keep in mind; the best apartment is one that matches your lifestyle choices and momentum!

When we speak of efficiency rentals in Chicago (or ‘kitchenette apartments for rent in Chicago’) we are talking about a new category of renting. An efficiency apartment can be ideal for those with minimum possessions, looking for a minimalist lifestyle, perhaps with lots of travel and adventures, and with a small home base.

Efficiency rentals are typically more affordable than studios, and slightly smaller. With a streamlined and compressed approach to living space, kitchen size, and layout.

An efficiency loft is a good choice for those who need just a little living space where you can live alone. If you intend to move in with a flatmate or a partner, a studio apartment for rent may be a better decision. In any case, neither of these kinds of lofts have a lot of areas or extra room. Consider scaling down your assets before you move into an efficiency rental in Chicago.


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Using the dropdown called "Amenities" on the search results pages, check the boxes next to Cats Allowed and/or Dogs Allowed to see only listings that allow cats or dogs.

Report the listing to us immediately! Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to contact a landlord which you believe may be fraudulent. If you have been in contact with a landlord who you believe may be trying to commit a scam, end all communication with them immediately!

To report a listing that you believe may be a scam, is misleading, or contains inappropriate content such as sexist, racist, or other discriminatory remarks, send us an email using the form on the Contact Us page.


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